An informed public is the greatest ally to First Responders and Disaster Management Teams
Clearly, everybody understands the need to alert the public when natural disasters occur like earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes; Utilizing mobile phones is the most efficient way to reach the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time. It is the one device that is carried by the greatest number of people and that number keeps increasing. T*MAS is also equally effective in saving lives after a disaster to inform the public on where to seek shelter, food, water and other essentials.
T*MAS can be used for pandemic outbreaks, or even to notify the public on where to get their vaccinations. Traffic mishaps and the avoidance of those dangerous areas can be of a great benefit to the public. Civil unrest; there is no better way to let the trouble makers know that there will be consequences, at the same time letting the public know that you are on top of the situation. learn more...
Product Overview

Portable Mobile System
T*MAS is a portable mobile, compact cell site (Compact GSM Base Unit (BTS)
and is not network dependent.